Personal Protective Measures:
Skin Protection Method: Avoid contact with wet cement. If contact occurs, immediately wash the contaminated area with water and cleansing agents. When prolonged contact with wet cement occurs, use impermeable clothing and gloves to prevent skin contact.
Eye Protection Method: When engaging in activities where cement dust or clinker can come into contact with the eyes, use safety goggles with side shields or safety glasses.

Cement Storage Duration:
The maximum storage time for bulk Portland cement is 6 months, and for bagged cement, it is 3 months. After that, it should be tested and comply with the standards before reuse.
Necessary Precautions for Transport, Storage, and Warehousing of the Product:
A. According to transportation laws and regulations (DOT or TDG), Portland cement is not considered a hazardous material.
B. Use suitable bunkers or trucks for transportation or disposal of cement.
C. Store cement in a dry place until its use.
D. Store cement in a location protected from strong winds and ventilated by air circulation.
E. Avoid activities that cause the dispersion of cement dust into the air.
F. Avoid inhaling cement dust or allowing skin contact. Remove clothing contaminated with cement dust and wash any clothing that has been soiled with cement materials before reuse.